ASIM, may 09

Aviation has long prioritized safety above all else, resulting in commercial aviation becoming the safest mode of transportation today. This safety record is a testament to the sector’s effective regulation and deeply ingrained safety culture, developed over the course of 120 years of powered flight evolution. As aviation enters a new phase driven by innovative propulsion technologies and advancements in electrification, digitalization, automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and autonomy, there is a significant opportunity to enhance safety while ushering in a new era of aircraft and operational capabilities. Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) utilizing Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft holds promise for sustainable and efficient connectivity, delivering broader social and economic advantages. However, as these electric aircraft integrate into the airspace alongside conventional counterparts, the aviation industry must uphold and continually improve its renowned safety standards, a shared responsibility among established players and emerging actors in the expanding aviation ecosystem.

The current high levels of aviation safety have been attained through continuous learning and improvement processes spanning decades, underpinned by a culture of non-punitive accident investigation aimed at uncovering root causes, sharing lessons learned, and implementing preventive measures. This approach underscores the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing across the industry to ensure that safety remains paramount as aviation embraces technological advancements and evolves to meet the demands of the future. (By The Royal Aeronautical Society / RAeS)

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