Global Market 2023-2042

Sandro VR, Editor ASIM

Airbus’ newest edition of its Global Market Forecast (GMF) covering the period from 2023 to 2042 provides a forward-looking perspective on air traffic and fleet developments. The GMF 2023 integrates factors influencing air transport demand, such as GDP and demographics, with ongoing and forthcoming initiatives aimed at decarbonizing the industry, such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). The report emphasizes anticipated growth in air traffic, demand for passenger aircraft (in the category of over 100 seats), as well as the development of air freight and demand for cargo aircraft (with payloads exceeding 10 tons). (by Airbus)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, airlines worldwide increased their air cargo capacity to meet global transportation demands. As global supply chain challenges ease and long-haul international passenger networks recover, the industry is now turning its attention to the evolving demands of air cargo and networks in the post-pandemic era. Boeing’s World Air Cargo Forecast (WACF) serves as a biennial supplement to the Commercial Market Outlook, providing a comprehensive and long-term perspective on the air cargo market. This forecast includes detailed analyses of global air trade markets, covering trends, regional market developments, and the requirements of the world’s freighter fleets. (by Boeing)