On the path to CO2-neutral aviation

ASIM, jun 05

At the ILA24 Stage #FutureLab today, key figures such as Anna Christmann from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Markus Fischer from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Nicole Dreyer-Langlet from Airbus, Uwe Hessler from Rolls-Royce, Arndt Schoenemann from DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, and Mirko Hornung from Bauhaus Luftfahrt, presented the findings of the Working Group on Climate-Neutral Aviation (AKkL) of the BDLI. The panelists emphasized that we have the opportunity to steer our industry towards a successful future with climate-friendly aviation from Germany. However, this requires crucial technical innovations! Future aircraft will need evolutionary and revolutionary gas turbine concepts powered by SAF/PtL or hydrogen, hydrogen-powered fuel cells, high aspect ratio wings, and other innovations to enhance energy efficiency through mass reduction, drag reduction, and overall system efficiency.

To make aviation more climate-friendly today, the working group has identified technological quick wins!. These include “Shark Skin” coatings for more aerodynamic aircraft, improved wing tip devices for long-haul planes, and pilot assistance systems for fuel-optimized approaches. Additionally, there’s a significant need for SAF in the long-haul segment, with a clear need to ramp up production. All technologies have been assessed for their expected climate impact using the #DLR tool #ALICIA and have undergone sensitivity analysis!. The next step involves the AKkL collaborating with ministries to develop an implementation plan. Achieving these goals will require continued close collaboration among all stakeholders, with significant progress already made over the past year through the AKkL, as highlighted by the joint panel at ILA Berlin – Pioneering Aerospace!

ILA also demonstrates significant progress in SAF! The Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed Forces), Emirates, Airbus, and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) are using more SAF at ILA24 than ever before!. ClimateNeutralAviation Innovation PioneeringAerospace. We extend our gratitude to the partners in the working group! Airbus, BDL – Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft e. V., Deutsche Aircraft, Diehl Aviation, Lufthansa Technik, Liebherr Aerospace and Transportation, MTU Aero Engines, Novelis, Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG, Volocopter, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Bauhaus Luftfahrt, IG Metall, Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, and Federal Ministry of Defence.

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