Courses about Space

ASIM, may 14

Curious about space, the United Nations, and space applications for socio-economic development? Look no further! Here’s a comprehensive overview of all #UNOOSA’s e-learning modules and online resources. Let us know your interests by reacting with the following emojis: #SpaceLaw, #SpaceSustainability, #SpaceEconomy, #DisasterManagement and #ClimateChange, or #Space4Water.

1️⃣ Space Law

eLearning Courses on Space Law- Jumpstart your knowledge with our comprehensive online courses in space law and policy:

ASTRO Database – Access a wealth of space law resources and national laws and policies:

Treaty Booklets – Get your hands on our PDF version of the useful treaty booklet:

2️⃣ Space Sustainability

Case studies and training videos on awareness-raising and capacity-building related to the implementation of the (hashtag#LTSGuidelines):

60-minute interactive training consists of 26 lessons on the essential role of space activities, the growing space sector and the associated challenges for sustainability, and the Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities (LTSGuidelines):

3️⃣ Space Economy

🪙Three 45-minute modules that support countries in kickstarting and scaling up their indigenous activities to deliver strong and sustainable national space economies:

4️⃣ Space for Disaster Management, Emergency Response, Climate Action and Water

the UN Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) Knowledge Portal – which also contains collection of real-life case studies that have used remote sensing for land, water, and disaster applications –

Space4Water, a collection of projects, case studies, tools, webinars, and publications on water-related challenges and space-based solutions –

The Space for Climate Action website, which showcases how space capabilities, such as satellite communications and geo-spatial positioning, are helping countries adapt and become resilient to climate change –

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